Jon Jost was a long-time member of Chicago Area Mensa and the Rainbow SIG who died in the early 1990’s. Jon was a bearded, handsome industrial psychologist who had grown up in Montana in the 1930’s and 40’s. Jon used to talk about what it was like to be gay in rural Montana at that time. Gay people were completely isolated from one another for fear of discovery and ostracism. Jon said that if you met another person whom you figured out was gay, the two of you became best friends—regardless of interests, personality or achievements.
Then, in 1948, Alfred Kinsey published his work Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, in which he asserted that 10% of American males had engaged in homosexual behavior. In a Victorian society, the news was shocking. Headlines on the front page of prominent newspapers throughout the country blared the news.
Kinsey was the first person ever to apply the scientific method on a widespread basis to human sexuality. Though some of his methodology was subject to criticism, there is no doubt that he taught gay people that we are not alone and spawned research into human sexuality so much so that the research would now fill libraries.
People like Jon Jost slowly gained enough confidence to divulge their “secret” to other gay people. From there, they gained the confidence to open up to family and friends. Without this visibility, gay people would never have gained the acceptance we have today.
Because there are still those who believe that sexual orientation is a choice and a depraved choice at that, visibility continues to be extremely important. So, that’s why the Rainbow SIG participates each year in the Chicago Annual Pride Parade, the largest of all Chicago parades with over 1.0 million spectators. We believe that visibility:
- Demonstrates that gay people are everywhere.
- Reaffirms our faith in science.
- Fosters our identity.
- Alleviates the stress of living a double life.
- Boosts self-esteem.
- Instills belonging and security.
- Protects us and unites us.
If you share these beliefs, we invite you to join us.