American MENSA®, LTD (MENSA®) Membership

MENSA® is the oldest and largest high-IQ society in the country.  To qualify for membership, you must score in the top 2% of the population on any of a number of accepted intelligence tests. Membership gives you access to certain private activities and discounts for certain other activities.

Affiliate Membership

Unlike American MENSA®, Ltd (MENSA®), the Rainbow SIG offers a non-Mensan, Affiliate Membership which entitles the Affiliate Member to participate in almost all Rainbow SIG activities and other Mensan activities open to the public. There are no tests or dues. To learn more or to join as an Affiliate Member, send an email to

1. Prior Evidence

The easiest way of joining American MENSA®, Ltd (MENSA®) is to submit scores from prior tests, such as grade school or high school IQ tests, preparatory tests or military tests.  Check out the American MENSA® website to identify pertinent tests and to discover how to retrieve scores.  Hint: many people have taken IQ tests in school and don’t even realize it.  For more information, click here

The cost for submitting and having a test reviewed is $60

As of January 1, 2023.

2. Admissions Test

Chicago Area MENSA®, a division of American MENSA®, Ltd, conducts regular proctored tests, usually before the monthly meetings and at other times.  The cost of testing as of January 1, 2023, is $60.

For a link to CAM’s website and to sign up, click here.

As of January 1, 2023

3. Agency Testing

MENSA® has engaged the services of a private testing agency.  It affords the test takers privacy and quick results as well as convenience in scheduling.  As of January 1, 2023, the cost for taking the agency test was $99.

For a link to the American MENSA® website’s listing of local agencies, click here.

4. Hiring a Professional

Many clinical psychologists and clinical social workers offer IQ testing.  This assures privacy and quick results and offers assistance in the case of test-taking anxiety or learning or other disabilities which can impact your score. For acceptable tests, check out the American MENSA® website.

The fee for evaluation of any such results as of January 1, 2023 was $40.



5. Lapsed Membership

Once you join MENSA®, you do not have to qualify again.  If your membership lapses and you know your membership number, you can rejoin by clicking here.  If you do not have your membership number, we recommend that you call the national membership office at  (817) 607-0060 ext. 199

The cost of rejoining is the amount of the current annual dues which as of January 1, 2023 are $79 prorated over the year.

To contact us about any questions regarding MENSA® membership or to join as a SIG affiliate for free, fill out the following form:
