Pride Luncheon
Immediately after the parade around 3:30 pm at a restaurant on the north side of Chicago. (Open to the public.)
Immediately after the parade around 3:30 pm at a restaurant on the north side of Chicago. (Open to the public.)
Theme: Giftedness Across the Lifespan, Navigating the Workshop. Kansas City, MO. Colloquium (
Annual Gathering (Convention) in Kansas City, MO. Programs, hospitality, networking, games and retail sales. Annual Gatherings (
Starting at 5:00 pm, located in the Edgewater Glen neighborhood of Chicago, hosts will provide food. Attendees are encouraged to bring a favorite beverage to share. For more details, contact
Dinner at All Meal Prep at 1100 W Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL 60660, starting at 5:30 pm. We will have a private room and will be planning the coming year’s calendar. Please RSVP to this email or
Games and Snacks starting at 2:00 pm at Steven Roelofs’ condo building in the party room, 5855 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60660. Steven has Super Scrabble, playing cards and an assortment of other games. He has hosted a couple of times in the past and the events have been quite enjoyable. If you would [...]
Outing to I/O Theater (Improv) 1501 N Kingsbury Street, Chicago, IL 60642 starting at 6:00 pm. Mike Politano, a member of the SIG, is appearing in the cast. The cost is $5. There are two shows back-to-back each lasting about 25 minutes. Level 5 Grad Showcases is the name of the shows. (There are other [...]
Kick off of Rainbow SIGs fundraising efforts for Rainbow Railroad to coincide with Rainbow Railroad’s “When I Am Free” benefit jazz concert that Wednesday evening. For more information, contact
HalloweeM, the largest Regional Gathering (RG) in the country with over 500 attending. Only the nationwide Annual Gathering is larger. Check out the multi-track seminars, 24-hour gaming, creative costume contest, grand hospitality room and variety of other events. WeeM is being held at the Westin Chicago North Shore Hotel, in Wheeling, IL. Mensans and non-Mensans [...]
Larry Lesperance and Tom Nickel host. Potluck. Limited Seating. Starting at 5:30—subject to change. To sign up, contact by Thursday, January 2, 025.